Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Well here I am in Chi-town again. I miss my family, but I love being up here. I guess I'm getting more time to myself without any kids or wife to interrupt.

On another note, I really don't have much appreciation for most of the current music that plays on the radio. There are a few that catch my ear every now and then, but to me it doesn't have the soul like the songs from the 90's. Since I was born in 1980 most of my music taste revolves around the 90's. Back when the West Coast had the music industry on lock. Back when life was so easy! Even the rap songs had smooth melodies! Let me post this so I can sit back and enjoy some more music. Have a great day!

Also if you are following me or happen to come across this by accident, please leave a comment. Whether it is a smiley face or you telling me that I suck. Just let me know that it's actually being read. thanks!